Social Anxiety Disorder Treatment - Overcoming Social Phobia In Minutes

By Tyrone P. Rollins

Also called social phobia, social anxiety disorder is a chronic form of anxiety which plagues many people, and is currently the third most experienced anxiety disorder in the US. Explained as an irrational fear of being in social situations, social anxiety can prevent sufferers from developing normal relationships, keep them from participating in activities and basically enjoying a normal life. Because of a constant fear of not fitting in, or embarrassing themselves, people with this disorder tend to be very anti-social, spending most of their time alone, or with only a specific few, trusted individuals.
[Social Anxiety]

While counseling with people, I attempt to coach them to see the brilliance that I see from my perspective. My challenge is to help them to identify the misconceptions in our lives and uncover those brilliant qualities within. When this process is accomplished I feel like a very lucky duck. Though it may seem very easy to go through this process, it is tricky to understand. Uncovering your internal brilliance may be simple, however, it isn't done easily. If I were to look at the clients I counsel as broken and screwed up, I wouldn't be able to help them be anything different.

This irrational phobia causes sufferers to constantly worry about embarrassing themselves by doing or saying the wrong thing, or simply not fitting into a certain group of people. Actions such as eating or drinking in public, speaking to groups, going on dates, being the center of attention for whatever the reason, having to use public restrooms, and asking questions become almost impossible, eliciting many anxiety symptoms. Even talking on the telephone is a known trigger for those suffering from severe social anxiety, with texting and email a much more preferred method of communication. All of this affects a person's ability to lead a normal life, and can be accompanied by other psychological conditions such as depression, low self esteem and others.

Social anxiety disorder treatment:Relaxations techniques ,Try relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing exercise, muscle relaxation, and medication, as they will help you in controlling various physical symptoms of anxiety. You can easily get muscle relaxation and deep breathing CD's from online stores or local health shops.Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) ,This is one of the most successful social anxiety disorder treatments, and has worked well for millions who have suffered from social anxiety disorder (social phobia). This therapy is based on the fact that what you think will eventually affect the way you feel, and your feelings have a direct bearing on your behaviour. Therefore, once you are successful in changing the way you think in certain social settings that provoke anxiety in you, you will feel much relaxed and better.

Take the next couple of days and spend time with this concept. Get rid of the stinking thinking, and win the war between Social anxiety vs. Self-confidence.Social Anxiety occurs not only when you're talking to someone but can also occur when you're an in a social environment, like going shopping or at school, parties. In order to overcome social anxiety you need to take small steps to building your confidence and creating positive experiences.

When people become more familiar with the situations they are uncomfortable with, they will not only improve their confidence level, but will also build their social skills. This will gradually reduce their anxiety within a reasonable period of time.Medications,Three types of medications used for social anxiety disorder treatment are-benzodiazepines, beta blockers, and antidepressants. However, the best treatment for all those who are suffering with this disorder will depend upon the individual. Some people will be able to do well with self-help techniques, while others may need both self-help techniques and medication.

Social anxiety disorder treatment is wide and varied today and can be easily applies when you fully understand its triggers. Various relaxation techniques along with CBT can give good results over a period of time. If the problem is chronic, medications can be included in the treatment to get faster results, but it's always better if you can use a natural cure.Can you overcome Social anxiety? Yes you can. The reactions and feelings you experience in social situations are from the thoughts you think. Have you noticed that the thoughts you thought leading up to your feeling of anxiety were negative? Was you telling yourself something bad was going to happen or did you run a movie in your mind about how the situation would go?

Try to balance the inhale and exhale process of breathing and take deep breaths. You can consciously slow your breathing down even though your thoughts are creating you to breathe quickly. Just by recognising that your starting to feel anxious, tell yourself to slow your breathing down. Just by doing this you will feel better and divert your thoughts.

Conquer the negative thoughts:A common cause of anxiety is reading the expressions and comments of other people wrongly and expecting a negative response to what you might say or what you might do. The trick is to make sure that you get rid of these negative thoughts from your mind and stay positive while talking to a group of people. Picture in your mind the response to what you have to say or do as positive.

Facing Your Fears:Most of the people with social anxiety find comfort in avoiding the social interactive situation and consider it far more suitable. But the fact remains the unchanged that as much time you will give your fear to stay, it will grow that much bigger.When you avoid a particular situation and run away from it, the same fear grows bigger in your mind and stays there until you eventually learn to face it. It will be easier if you start doing this in the beginning instead of just avoiding the social encounters with people. You can take small steps to doing this, if you avoid group conversations start to join them and then leave them after a few minutes, then over time as you start to gain confidence stay in them longer, maybe even start them. This is the same for going out.

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