What Is The Law of Attraction And Why Is It So Misunderstood?

By James Kupe

It really is interesting to see how much discussion there is nowadays about the Law of Attraction, and how few people really know about what it is all about. The fact is the Law of Attraction is not some magic spell you can simply cast and the things you want start happening in your life right away.

The problem is you can't think "I'm a Rockstar" five hundred times a day and instantly have a #1 hit on iTunes. If that's the way the Law of Attraction worked, it would be great and all, but unfortunately nothing happens that easily.

It seems the reason for the confusion is because people have different levels of understanding about what the Law of Attraction means. The most common definition pretty much goes something like this - "If you really believe with all your heart that something should happen, it will happen because the universe will provide it for you."

While this definition is relatively simple, for lots of people it will raise more questions than it answers. Questions such as "Does the Law Of Attraction only give us the things we passionately want and think about all day? Or is it going to also create things we really don't want if we accidentally think about them too much with emotion?

So we can answer these kinds f questions, it's really important to understand what the Law of Attraction really says. Regardless of all the various ways the Law of Attraction has been defined, we can easily break it down to these 4 elements:-

1 - We have to know specifically and accurately what we want.

2 - We must develop a process of thinking about the outcome we want, and then passionately and repeatedly ask the universe to deliver it to us.

3 - We should then visualize ourselves already having the thing or outcome we want, and then start living the reality we really want.

4 - And finally we must not worry about what might happen - we should only think about having the outcome we are looking for. There is no room for indecision.

By understanding these 4 elements of the Law of Attraction and then applying it to the most important areas of our lives, it can have a profound effect on your life. If you take the opportunity to understand the law better and learn how to implement it, you really can see the changes you truly desire.

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