Female Empowerment Websites Are Great Resources For Young Girls

By Jessica King

Women's issues are in the forefront of the news lately. This is happening at the same time women continue to step forward and accuse powerful men of misconduct. The result of this confluence of events seems to be a sharp rise in the number of female empowerment websites aimed specifically at young girls. The object is a create a place where women and girls can communicate with one another in a safe and positive environment.

A number of sites are spotlighting gender stereotypes. They post articles about the obsession many girls have with their body image. They address issues like girls acquiescing to boys when it comes to leadership roles. There are discussions on the subject of girls becoming disinterested in math and science when they reach a certain age and why girls can be ambivalent about their sports abilities.

Some sites include sections devoted to changing clothing stereotypes. A lot of mothers are frustrated when they try to shop for their daughters and have mostly pink and purple frills to choose from. One mother had enough and started a site where mothers and daughters have more choices than drama queen and princess fashion.

The middle school years can be challenging for kids and parents. There is a site that faces this challenge head on by pairing preteen girls with high school girls, who act as mentors. On this site there are weekly discussion topics on such sensitive subjects as talking to your parents, doing drugs, underage drinking, and why girls are pressured to be nice. The purpose of the site is to encourage community service, build self-esteem, and promote leadership skills.

The power of advertising to sway the decisions of young people is the focus of at least one site. It contrasts powerful messages with those with an intention to harm or manipulate, and discusses how to recognize the difference between the two. The goal is to empower girls to the point that they feel confidence enough to make their own choices regardless of the pressure advertisers try to put on them.

Global outreach is the focus of other sites. There are those that target the lack of education women in many countries are receiving. Raising awareness about the implications of denying girls an adequate education is one of the goals. These sites redirect affected females to places with the resources to help them. The objective of the sites is to change the world into a place where every girl can get the same education as boys.

Women and science is the focus of some sites. They want to advance and encourage young women who choose to make scientific research their careers. One site annually awards postdoctoral female researchers with fellowship grants.

Girls face many challenges in the world today. More and more women are stepping up to the plate to lend a hand to the younger generation. It's important for little girls to know that they can do and be whatever they want.

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