Tips To Have Sensory Therapy For Dementia Patients

By Kimberly Reynolds

Individuals suffering from dementia often have a hard time when it comes to communicating, thinking and memory due to cognitive decline. The normal functioning of the brain gets affected making it impossible for them to mingle properly with other people. Treatments for this kind of illness can be done in various ways including Sensory Therapy for Dementia Patients which is commonly used.

When an elderly person experiences things that lead to brain cell death such as traumatic brain injury, stroke or even brain tumors, having dementia is inevitable. This condition should not be looked at as a normal way of aging as it is a serious condition. The elderly who may start developing problems with how the functioning of their five senses should immediately receive this kind of therapy.

There are some specific symptoms to look out for that point out to your loved one is having this condition. One of the symptom is forgetfulness hereby the individual may have some recent memory loss and end up asking the same question repeatedly or forgetting how to handle activities that they were used to. They also have difficulties in thinking, communicating and have a tendency of being disoriented.

Sensory therapy plays an important role in assisting the elderly suffering from dementia. The main role of this kind of treatment is to improve on the senses of the patient with the use of objects that could stimulate the brain of the person to remember things. Therapist often spends time with the elderly and introduces familiar things and objects to help the individual remember.

It is common to find patients who are experiencing this illness being in a state of depression and low self-esteem because they cannot recall or do things as they used to. This kind of therapy, with the use of familiar tools will assist the person in remembering some of the things he or she was always doing. For instance use of things that the person likes such as favorite flowers, books and familiar clothes can be of great help to trigger old memories.

The specialist can also go further to introducing outdoor activities that the individual used to do. One of the symptom that such patients have is getting lost even in familiar places. The therapist can involve the person in walks from time to time to see how the person reacts to the place. The practitioner can also use massages or use change of scenery and focus on the reaction of the person.

In order for the patient to regain back his or her memory properly, the person needs to be taken to a qualified specialist who is well trained in sensory therapy. Different practitioners have specialized in a variety of treatment methods which not all may be similar. Therefore, in case you have a loved one who requires this kind of treatment, make sure to visit a specialist well known for using this method.

Some of the activities that the specialist will use on the person can be easily done at home. If there comes a situation whereby you cannot reach a therapist, you can use the aid of online videos or articles from licensed and qualified specialist in this field who can take you through activities that you can involve the elderly in while at home.

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