Benefits Of Acupuncture For Anxiety And Other Disorders

By Marvin R. Wilcox

Whilst the modern world has promised us state of the art technology and the most modern medications, they are not necessarily the most effective in dealing with disorders and illnesses. Acupuncture is a natural and efficient therapy to treat anxiety, depression and panic attacks. Acupuncture for anxiety eliminates all the negativity in your body.Acupuncture, like all traditional oriental therapies, assumes there is an indivisible connection between mind and body. Sicknesses are primarily triggered by an unbalance between outside and internal factors. Examples of external factors are wind, heat and cold. Internal factors or emotions can be anger, sadness, fear and worry.acupuncture now comes in and teaches the Westerners how to relax. Acupuncture causes calm and relaxation in you and permits your mind and body to heal and have a rest on its own.
[Acupuncture For Anxiety]

Acupuncture for anxiety involves placing needles in certain body points. These body points or pressure points can be located at specific parts all over a person's body. By accessing them, it allows the blocked energy from the passageways to open up. If these passageways are blocked, other parts of the body may be affected as well that causes stress. Stress on the other hand, attacks the body that causes muscles to tense up, blood pressure to rise and other physical symptoms can arise.

A classic acupuncture treatment takes one or two sessions. Sometimes, however, a treatment is required for a few months. The duration of a treatment differs upon the difficulty of the patterns of imbalance. Nutrients, herbs and vitamins are a great supplement to acupuncture in balancing and nourishing the body.Acupuncture for anxiety attacks is just right for those who prefer a natural and safe therapy. Consult a certified acupuncturist. He or she will help you to find out what the most appropriate remedy plan is for you.Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese treatment that has a wide variety of uses. It's been around for thousands of years and has been used to treat individuals suffering from back pain and other forms of pain, to improve fertility, relieve stress, and for other purposes.It works by inserting thin, sterile needles in certain points on the body, which practitioners believe helps to release positive energy, which in the process pushes out negative energy. Practitioners believe that a life force, called Qi, may become blocked due to trauma, stress, poor diet or lack of exercise, and may manifest in a variety of different ways. By unblocking this life energy, patients feel relief.

Practitioners of Western medicine also believe that acupuncture can eliminate anxiety by releasing your body's natural pain killers or endorphins.Acupuncture can also help relax muscles without prescriptive medication, improve blood circulation, lower your heart rate and blood pressure,My Empirical Experience with Auricular AcupunctureAt my very first acupuncture appointment the acupuncturist placed needles in specific points on the ear, which remained for a week, reducing anxiety almost completely. This auricular acupuncture was followed up with total body acupuncture treatments and after three sessions I found that even the slightest anxiety triggers which had troubled me before had disappeared.

The exact reasons for acupuncture's success are not fully understood, but studies have indicated that putting the thin needles used in acupuncture into certain points on the body helps with the production of endorphins. Scientists differ as to whether certain activities such as acupuncture help to release endorphins, as studies conducted use endorphin plasma levels and this may not be an accurate portrayal of endorphin plasma levels present in the central nervous system.

People who suffer from anxiety conditions can often find it very difficult to deal with and there is little that conventional medicine can do to help. Often the answer is to turn to alternative therapies for help. This article will consider the ways in which acupuncture can help with anxiety conditions.Anxiety is something that everyone experiences at some time during their lives, for example before an exam or public speaking. However for some it is a far more serious condition. Those people who suffer from common anxiety can often feel on edge all of the time which can have a significant impact on their lives. For example they may struggle to do a number of everyday activities and this can cause them to suffer panic attacks. In addition it can affect a person's sleep and their overall health and so it is important to do whatever you can in order to reduce the levels of anxiety felt on a day to day basis.

Acupuncture is an ancient form of Chinese medicine that works on the principle of energy. The belief behind the treatment is that energy of Chi flows around the body and along certain meridians through the body. When a person is unwell either physically or emotionally it is thought that there is either an imbalance or a blockage in the flow of this energy. Acupuncture uses the insertion of needles in certain points in the body called acu-points. It is thought that the insertion of needles in specific points can help to balance the energy in the body and in turn bring the person back to health. Before treatment begins a therapist will get a full history of your life and of your illness to determine the correct points to trigger in your specific case. A good acupuncturist will develop a treatment plan that is individual for each patient.

Acupuncture points for anxiety are mainly the same points that are used to treat other disorders such as panic attacks using acupuncture. It is said that these points help to balance the body's energy, 'chi'. Anxiety, as it is mainly a mental thing can be easily treated using this method as it is holistic and works for both the mind and body. Before you go for acupuncture, it is good that you understand the acupuncture process and how it works. You should know about points on your body that these acupuncture needles are going to be placed in order to treat anxiety.There are various points within one's body that acupuncture needles can be inserted. It is known that these points usually vary depending on disorder or disease being treated. However, there are certain areas that these needles must be inserted no matter the disorder. Therefore, in treating anxiety, below are the points these needles are inserted.

Third eye point - this is the area between your eyebrows and bridge of your nose. Only a single needle is placed in this point and pressure applied is said to relieve nervousness.The chest is also another acupuncture point for anxiety. When you go for treatment, you will notice that needles will be placed on your chest. The area is said to have energy and can greatly be used in alleviating anxiety symptoms.Lower arm provides another acupuncture point in treating anxiety.Upper abdomen is another important point. Acupuncturists prefer as it is known to relieve anxiety.While undergoing treatment for anxiety using acupuncture, there are certain symptoms one can experience such as anger and agitation among others. You will also feel a rush. Lastly, it is possible to perform an acupuncture procedure on oneself when treating anxiety. The most important thing is to know the various acupuncture points for anxiety as mentioned above as this will go a long way in helping you treat anxiety.

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