What Causes Panic Attacks In Men?

By Louis Simpson

The first is recognizing that stress has a significant factor in what causes panic attacks. What you need to try to determine, is if this stress is an ongoing issue that is deeply rooted in your thought process either consciously or subconsciously.What I mean by that is often people grow up with generally feeling scared or fearful in everyday life. This could be caused by many deeply rooted factors such as abandonment as a child by either parent, parents who never gave much love to their child at critical development stages in their lives, or PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) brought on by a terrifying experience.Have you ever noticed that some people have a carefree response when confronted with an important life decision, scary experience, or they have a carefree outlook on life and generally don't seem to get stressed out about too many things?
[What Causes Panic Attacks]

Separation and school phobia.Sometimes, children develop certain phobias when they reach a certain age. One of the most common is a phobia of going to school. Experts have not been able to pinpoint the exact reason for this condition. Some children even become excessively afraid and aggressive when faced with the prospect of going off to school.

A child feigns sickness and looks for every excuse for not going to school. There is a definite co-relation between school phobia and separation anxiety. This is because children are hit with the insecurity of leaving the secure environment of their home.Stress-related anxiety.One of the most common causes of panic attacks in children is stress. Stress is linked to anxiety attacks and may be because of heavy responsibilities at home and in school. This also includes unfinished tasks, physical and psychological abuse, a school bully, environment that is unfit for the child's age, violence, etc.

There are also certain types of medication such as Ritalin which may cause Panic disorders, although usually when you stop taking this medication the panic episodes will go away.Finally there are some chronic illnesses which may make increase the risk of developing panic disorders.If you suffer from panic disorder or you believe that you are vulnerable to developing the condition at some point in your lfe then it is vital that you seek treatment as soon as possible as if the condition is left untreated then this can have a damaging long term effect on all aspects of your life.

Every person at one point in his life can have panic attacks for different reasons. You felt this when you were called by your teacher in lower grade to recite a poem which you failed to memorize a week before. You had a panic attack when you noticed the girl you admired coming your way. There are different panic attacks causes and most of them can be very simple and fleeting.

When you are constantly tired and run down your body is in a consistent nervous state. You can never truly relax or calm down due to the fact that you are never truly rested. When this happens. this nervous energy eventually manifests itself as panic and anxiety.

Being nervous and jittery really confuses your body and mind. Eventually these feelings become more and more pronounced. then they become what causes panic attacks. When these feelings build up to the point where they become physical symptoms they cause the person experiencing them a lot of confusion and fear.

Danger.Danger or harm, whether real or imaginary, is a common panic attacks cause. You are on your way home and walking along a deserted and dark street. Suddenly, you feel goose bumps and your heart is beating fast. You fear for your safety. You feel danger. However, danger can also be felt even while you are in the safety of your home. You can get this feeling even if there is nothing to fear at all. That is a sign that something is amiss and you are experiencing a panic attack.

Depression.Depression has also been identified as one of the panic attacks causes. You may feel so depressed and alone that you can no longer control the way you feel. You have difficulty breathing and then you panic, feeling that you cannot control whatever is happening to you.Phobia.Your boss asked you to lead the presentation and called on you to discuss your business plan. Suddenly, you feel your heart racing and your breath so short you cannot even breathe. Suddenly, you cannot even speak. You may have a phobia related to speaking in public and when you are exposed to any situation that requires you to face your phobia then you experience panic attacks.

One more thing that could trigger or cause your attacks is taking drugs. I don't mean taking prohibited drugs, the drugs I am referring to are regular prescription drugs that have an initial adverse effect of panic attacks. There is no need to fret though as like what I have said, this is just an initial reaction to the drug and the chances of it lasting longer than expected is very slim.You may also consider a tragic event, like a lost of a loved one, to be a triggering factor to the disorder. Imagine how stressful and traumatic it could be to see someone die right before your very eyes. That image could stick in your mind and the stress and anxiety it brings about can lead to your attacks.Now you see how many things can actually cause your attacks; and that is just the tip of the ice berg, there are many other things that we can discuss. For now, let me just say that the best way to avoid your attacks, is to avoid stress in general.

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