Top 5 Tips To Staying Positive

By John R. Gibbons

Although sexless marriages may appear on be on the outside to most people unhappy and un fulfilling - for many couples living this life this is not so. These couples have learnt how to stay happy/positive in a sexless marriage by finding other ways to be intimate with each other.Most of the time it is not a subconscious decision - over time couples find that their sex life begins to decline due to varying reasons such as routine, caring for children, working long hours and lost libido. For these couples their relationship may be totally fulfilling in every other way - but there just is no or very little physical intimacy by the way of sex.
[How To Stay Positive and Happy]

Intimacy between two people does not only come in the physical sense. There is also emotional intimacy - and this is how many couples manage to stay happy who are in sexless marriages and relationships. Emotional intimacy between two people can be very powerful and can overcome many obstacles in a marriage - including the issue of no sex.

Don't be engrossed in yourself. Thinking about other people and helping them out may do you more good than you can imagine. Give money or clothing to a charity whenever you can.Keeping a journal that lists things you are thankful for is a great idea. The truth is that you have a lot of things to be thankful for everyday. Losing a job may seem like the worst thing that can happen to you, but you can be thankful for having a roof over your head and food on the table, can't you? Similarly, you may not be on speaking terms with your mother, but you do have a loving husband and friends. Be thankful for the things you have, instead of worrying about things you don't. Write in your journal everyday and make sure to have a look at it whenever you are feeling down.

With a little effort, you can stay positive all the time and have a happier life.Do You want to Cultivate A Positive Attitude towards Life, No matter How bad the a Situations seems to be? There are so many hardships going on in the world today. Our economy is in the worst recession ever. Our dollar is losing it's value. More people are out of work than ever.

It's nothing personal.People can often get into the bad habit of talking negatively. It can be aimed directly at you or simply be about a myriad of other things that are going on in that person's life. It's hard to face an onslaught of negativity, especially when you are the target of it. But remember, that this is their issue, not yours. If their criticism is unfounded, you can be sure that the complaints are probably just a way for the person to vent. Take a breath, put on a smile and tell yourself, "It's not me, it's them."

Knock Out The Negative Noise.I had to keep telling myself that this was not the end. That this was NOT how my life was suppose to be. I had to knock out the negative noise that was in my head and focus on only the positive.Eventually things got a little better, then I got breast cancer. Talk about a blow to positive thinking! You start questioning yourself, "How can this be happening?" "Why Me?", "Is there any thing else you want to throw at me?"

I had to think long and hard about this one. What good would it be to become negative now? There really could be many more things that could go wrong. I learned to put a smile back on my face, be happy and stay positive no matter what. I beat that nasty old breast cancer, and my life is get better and better.A few tips on keeping that stiff upper lip and staying positive are:One: When something bad happens, take a deep breath, don't overreact and then think about what the worst outcome could be. Then think of the bright side of what happened. Believe it or not there always is a bright side, whether you think so at the time or not.

Two: Think of an opportunity to turn the bad situation into a good situation. For instance, I never thought of how many job opportunities there are on the internet until I lost all my money in the real estate market. Now I am climbing back to the top with my online home business. Albert Einstein said: "In the middle of every difficulty, lies opportunity.Three: Realize how bad you feel when you are having negative feelings. Is it really worth it? Now realize how awesome you feel and how beautiful life really looks when you are having positive feelings. It really is hard just to go from feeling bad to feeling good. The best way to change your feelings is to think of something that makes you happy and then go there in your mind.

Here are some tips on how to prepare for your next storm:Create a box of your favorite objects and materials that makes your happy.Create a playlist of songs that make you feel good instantly.Surround yourself around people who are also positive.The next point on how to Stay Positive throughout life, or your next storm, is to STAY BUSY! Although there was no electricity in our house, my family was busy entertaining ourselves and each other through the board games and music we were dancing to. The truth of the matter is, when you are lazy, and are not busy, your mind wonders and you lose the ability to focus on something. In addition, you lose your ability to stay positive. If you want to Stay Positive throughout life, you can not be lazy - must STAY BUSY.Here are some tips on how to stay busy through next storm:Keep a diary and record your thoughts and ideas.Read in order to enhance your knowledge.Set up short term and long term goals on which you want to achieve, and work towards accomplishing them.

Five: Most of all stay away from negative people and situations. The last thing you need when you're feeling down is someone else that is down. Get around up beat happy people. What a difference it made having to go have radiation every day.It really can be hard staying positive in such a negative world. But, really open your eyes and your heart, there is a million to one in positive energy versus negative energy around you, if you let it in!

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