How To Use Custom Fire Pits With Safety In Mind

By Chelsea Evans

It is one of the memorable memories of childhood to huddle together in front of the custom fire pits. This is the time when everyone shares a drink of cold beverage while roasting soft, white marshmallows. Fairy tales and adventure stories are being narrated too. This is a warm memory that can be remembered during childhood.

While this might be a fond memory for more people, there may be those who have been traumatized because of something related to fires. Ensure safety against fires when using the pit. It should be a given to take precautions for this. Here are several tips that one might be able to find useful when using the pit at night.

The first thing that one has to do is to avoid using the pit when the wind is blowing strongly. This is the biggest factor for fanning the flames even bigger than what it should be. There are also times when the sparks from the flame flies out of the pit and burns the nearby dry materials. It will just start a wildfire.

It is also a given for the person to prepare water before starting any flame. The person should stick the hose into the faucet properly and make sure that the main water line is turned on. With this, the person is sure to have a steady flow of water when it is necessary. There is no need to be afraid of the break out of a wildfire.

Aside from water, the person might be able to make use of the extinguisher to extinguish the fire. This is a necessary item that one should have before even thinking of starting a flame. The person can surely take advantage of the extinguisher as long as one has the knowledge on how to do so.

When fanning the flame, it is better to stop over stuffing it with shrubs and large trees. This is so that when the wind picks up the individual does not have to fret about the sparks flying out too much. These sparks will easily fly out of the area when the wind is strong.

The said pit should be used exclusively in open areas. This means that the person should not use it when under a tree or even near one. This is because no matter how careful the person is there is still the chance of the tree catching fires. It will not be easy to put out such flames.

The flame should be immediately put out if the person is done using the said pit. A good method for extinguishing the flame in the said pit is to douse it with water. The person should take it upon himself to make sure that the ashes are thoroughly wet. Let there be no burning ashes remaining deep inside the ash pile.

The ashes in these custom fire pits should then be checked again. This is so that the person can be sure that there are no more burning ashes. A burning ash can continue burning until morning. If there is wind during the night, the burning ashes might be fanned out and might grow into a wildfire. Pour another bucket of water into the pile to prevent this from happening.

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