Make The Laws Of Attraction Work For You

By Dana B. Thompson

Did you watch the hit movie called The Secret? If yes, then you might have heard about the best selling self-help book that was written and released later by Rhonda Byrne based on the movie of the same name. Just like film, the tenet of Rhonda's book is that the law of attraction governs the universe. It is said that this natural law works by attracting people, events, situations and experiences which matches the frequency of an individual's feelings and thoughts. With positive thinking and the principles of the laws of attraction, a person could experience life changes which can result in increased wealth, happiness and good health.
[The Laws Of Attraction]

As outlined in The Secret, the law of attraction essentially decrees that 'like attracts like'. More specifically, this means that your mindset, thoughts and feelings establish your reality and influence the events that you experience in your life. For example, someone who thinks optimistically will attract positive energy, drawing positive things into their life that is in harmony with them. On the other hand, a pessimistic thinker attracts negative things, as their negative thoughts generating bad results.

In this way, the law of attraction is always moving in a tide of motion, with an individual dictating their reality through their internal thoughts. Learning how to use the law of attraction and how to apply this secret to achieve a more positive reality has enabled many people to achieve success. We see various ordinary people who breakthroughs and achieve great success. You too can discover how to apply the secret of law of attraction to ultimately improve the circumstances of your life and to achieve the success that you dream about.

Surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you. Before the man or woman of your dreams can love you, you have to love yourself first. Take notice of how the people who unconditionally care about you make you appreciate yourself more. If it is due to their faith in your potentials, learn how to do it for yourself too. This way, you can look your best even outside your comfort zone.

Obviously, the basic flaw is that the Secret compares the Law of Attraction to the Law of Gravitation, which is not the case. Anyone can demonstrate Newton's law, because if you drop an object the acceleration is going to be just as the law predicts. This always works as predicted, which is why it is called a law.

But, The Secret's Law of Attraction doesn't work this way. Even though you are encouraged to maintain a positive attitude, believe in your success, have confidence and so on, those positive thoughts definitely will not send out magical brainwave frequencies to change the realities of life. There is no doubt that you will have similar experiences to the millions of people who did not get the desired results from this book.You may ask yourself this question if you believe in the Law of Attraction but have not had the results you wished for. I know I have had my doubts from time to time... being able to manifest small things here and there but never achieving the level of success I had hoped for. I often wondered why could I think of a friend one minute and have her phone an hour later, but when it came to manifesting large sums of money I failed miserably. In fact, just the other day I thought "um I need to get a new headlight" and as I thought to myself "I haven't had anyone tell me it's out for a while", low and behold within a half an hour of having that thought a women yelled out her window to let me know my driver side headlight was burned out! That to me is the Law of Attraction working. Some may say... well that's just coincidence and not the Law of Attraction but I say different.

The Law of Attraction gained a lot of publicity back in 2006 when the film the secret was launched which was a documentary type film where some of the leading experts appeared on camera to give an insight into what the Law of Attraction is and how it works.The film was good for the newcomer who knew little or nothing about the law of attraction but at the same time it really only touched the tip of the iceberg and gave no reasoning regarding how this powerful law of the universe works or its true origins.

In 2006, with the release of the book, The Secret, I started my journey in learning about and applying the Law of Attraction. Even though it has been six years and the buzz of The Secret has died down, I study something about it everyday.As I listened to people talk about the Law of Attraction, I was soon after introduced to Dr. Thurman Fleet's Stickperson diagram. What in essence Dr. Fleet demonstrated with his Stickperson was that our thoughts, create our feelings, which causes us to act, and that is how we produced our results.The Stickperson changed my life so much I wanted to teach it. But the sources that I thought would certify me to do so wanted between $15,000 to $20,000 to do it. I decided why not go to the actual source and I contacted Dr. Fleet's Concept Therapy Institute.Dr. Fleet's course of study cost me $300 dollars per course of which there were 9 and the teacher's training course. So for a total of $3000 (over time) I was able to learn and teach the same material from the source rather than an "interpretation of the source" and at 70% less cost. I used the Law of Attraction to make this happen.

Karma also has reference to the law of attraction with their underlying belief that you'll eventually be revisited by that which you've sent out into the world.Everyone has heard the sayings "good karma" and "bad karma", this is where the sayings originate from, it was and still is their belief that if you are kind and compassionate you will be met with kindness and compassion and on the flip side if you have been unkind and shown little compassion then you'll equally be met with the same.So although not directly related to manifesting your desires through thoughts as the law of attraction states, but you can see the closely related theorem of your actions and thought processes literally morphing into physical entities, meaning you're attracting into your life that which you are giving out.

It was in the nineteenth century that the law of attraction had made its presence in the Western hemisphere where people had started to understand and treasure the power of maintaining a positive attitude and positive thought processes and had started applying this new found knowledge in their own lives.So it's clear that the law of attraction had been referenced and practiced long before any new age movements started to surface. Many wise men including the Monks understood that mans belief can directly impact their path of fate as well as the journey they would take in order to reach their final destination!

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