Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Revealed

By Christian Saurel

One of the most prevalent psychological disorders today is SAD and it is estimated that there are up to 12% of people suffering with some degree of social anxiety disorder symptoms today.Social anxiety occurs when someone suffers from dread, uneasiness or fear about a social interaction which can be a cause of a major obstacle in their life. It is quite different from shyness, which is more of a personality trait, where someone may prefer to not expose themselves to social situations. Social anxiety is a problem when the sufferer is unable to involve themselves in normal situations without significant emotional stress.
[Anxiety Disorder Symptoms]

Social anxiety disorder symptoms are things that sufferers describe when they are describing their social anxiety. They can be broadly divided into anxious thoughts, anxious behaviours, and anxious feelings. Anxious thoughts can include over thinking certain situations. For example, someone can think that everyone is staring at them, or everyone is laughing at them, or that they are making a fool of themselves, whereas from an outside perspective, everything is normal. So someone suffering from social anxiety could be unwilling to go into a crowded meeting because they feel that everyone would be staring at them, as opposed to the main speaker, which of course is completely illogical.

The most common type of anxiety is GAD, which stands for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This form of anxiety affects millions of people and it's main trait is that doesn't let up. It affects your way of thinking and also makes the body tense so you are unable to relax. To try suppress it people will take stimulants such as a coffee, cigarette of alcohol to try give themselves energy to be able to do the things they're supposed to do or to even give themselves a break from the constant stress

Why let a simple panic attack stop you from living your life when you can easily get rid of the anxiety attacks just by following a prescribed treatment method? If you're ready to make that positive change in your life, you need to first admit that you have a problem. Don't take these social anxiety disorder symptoms lightly if you don't want it to develop to something much worse when the time comes.

People who are unfortunate enough to suffer from social anxiety to a significant degree can find that their lives can be held back in terms of love and relationships, at work, with friends, at play, and even with their families. When these symptoms start to be triggered by everyday things such as meeting a stranger, starting a conversation, entering a new place or even holding eye contact with someone, then it can be a major problem. Fortunately, there are techniques available to help sufferers break free from this and live an anxiety free life.Stress and anxiety is very normal in everyone's life, but would you be able to recognise if you had any generalized anxiety disorder symptoms?

If panic attacks occur due to no particular reason or event and happens frequently then you ought to seek help. An anxiety disorder is a mental illness where a patient suffers from repeated panic attacks. A person becomes an unfortunate victim constant anxiety and starts to worry about having further attacks. People suffering from this condition may experience a range of psychological and physical symptoms. A release of adrenaline, the stress hormone, occurs when a person experience a panic attack. Anxiety disorder symptoms vary from person to person and depend on a number of factors.

Some of the symptoms include rapid heartbeats, tightness, or pain in the chest, dizziness, shortness of breath, insomnia, fatigue, shivering or shaking, the fear of going 'mad', and the inability to control actions. This disorder is a serious issue that needs to be dealt with as soon as possible. As the severity of attacks increases, a person becomes more withdrawn from society and in fulfilling his or her obligations. This is why individuals need to look out for early warning signs that could be anxiety disorder symptoms.Attacks may last only a few minutes but the disorder has far reaching effects. The memory of each attack remains firmly in the mind of the victim thereby slowly destroying their confidence.

What are the physical symptoms of GAD?Tightened, strained and tense muscles are one of the physical symptoms. When your muscles are stressed, you may feel persistent muscular pain.The next physical symptom is fatigue. If you have GAD, you feel exhausted and tired almost always.Insomnia - Most of the people who suffer from GAD have sleeping problems. They have difficulty in falling asleep and in staying asleep. Lack of sleep aggravates the anxiety problem.Stomach problems like nausea, abdominal pain and cramps and digestive problems are symptoms of anxiety.Light-headedness and headaches are common physical symptoms of GAD.Other physical symptoms include frequent urination, hot flashes, sweating, trembling, and trouble in swallowing and increase in the heartbeat.What are the behavioural symptoms of GAD?Difficulty in concentrating is the first and foremost behavioural symptom.

Avoiding situations that cause anxiety.Feeling irritated often.Feeling depressed.Having negative thoughts Finding it extremely difficult to relax.Avoiding and postponing doing things that cause anxiety.Loss of interest in sex.What are the emotional symptoms of GAD? Feeling of dread and fear without any valid reasons.

Some of the noticeable physical signs of anxiety disorder symptoms include difficulty in getting out of bed, avoiding crowded places, and the constant shaking of hands when nervous. Victims tend to be fidgety, and neglect themselves. One other distinctive anxiety disorder symptom is the compulsion to repeat the same action repeatedly. These symptoms should not be overlooked and treatment in consultation with a therapist should be sought immediately.

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