How To Connect To Your Subconscious Mind

By David E. Morris

Since the subconscious mind is always in control of our behavior (in the long run) it seems crucial that we understand how it operates. Successful mind training requires that knowledge. Creating a happy, successful, fear free life also requires it. Here are some basic concepts that should be helpful.
The [Power Of The Subconscious Mind]

Most basically, the mind is the process that take place within the brain. Through our conscious mind we are aware of many of those functions - the five basic senses, the ability to think and talk and move our body parts. We read and learn and feel emotions and so on. The subconscious mind, however, hides most of its activities from us, hence its name, which means below awareness.

Take the example of a hot kettle. The subconscious mind will tell you that it is hot and so you won't touch it. If the subconscious mind didn't work, we would all be making the same mistakes.The subconscious mind is also capable of doing several things at once. This is something that the conscious mind cannot.Another example to illustrate the power of the unconscious mind is car driving. When you drive, you don't think and make decisions. You make spontaneous decisions and they are usually right.

Continue in this state for as long as you feel necessary, and repeat as needed.Visualization works best when it's paired with meditation, but it doesn't have to be. Meditation puts you in a relaxed state, which makes it easier to create visual sequences. By creating visual sequences you put yourself in a situation that you anticipate yourself being in, before it actually happens. This allows your brain acclimate itself to the situation that is about to occur.Essentially, visualization is practice for your brain. It's no different than practicing an athletic event, except rather than training muscles, you're training your brain, so it knows how you want it to respond in a specific scenario.To visualize, all you do is create mental pictures (some people prefer videos), of yourself successfully accomplishing something. You would actually see yourself performing the task, either in third or first person, whichever you prefer.It's important to remember to create the picture in as much detail as possible, making note of such things as sounds and smells. The more detailed the visualization, the more successful it will be.Visualize through the entire event or performance, imagining the desired outcome and all the excitement that comes with it. Allow yourself to feel the joy that you will feel when you actually do successfully complete the task. Make it as real and as accurate as possible. Repeat as necessary, and don't stop until you're convinced you've already achieved the goal.If you were to state your goal or desire aloud on a daily basis, your subconscious mind would have no choice but to listen. In order to speak, your brain must formulate thoughts, and in order to formulate thoughts, your brain must first compile and organize those thoughts. Such a simple thing as telling others about your plans requires that you make important decisions before you can do so.The entire process is orchestrated by your conscious mind, which relays the plan to the subconscious. Suddenly, you've opened up the channel of communication between the two minds, simply by stating your thoughts. While you're explaining away, your subconscious has already begun working on how you're going to accomplish your goal.A beneficial byproduct of this step is the accountability factor. This is another strategy that I used when starting my weight loss plan. The more people you tell of your plan, the more people you will let down if you fail to achieve it. For me, the accountability aspect adds an extra element of motivation to my already desired goal. It is also a huge help when dealing with procrastination.Trails are blazed for a reason. Could you imagine if every time you wanted to do something you had to completely start from scratch? What if recipes had to be invented new each time? Or if computers weren't built based on successes and failures of previous builds? Imagine how impossible progression would be on this planet.

Visualization is one of the best techniques to tap into your unconscious self. By visualizing images of success, you have programmed your unconscious mind to achieve success. However, you have to do this on a daily basis.Positive thoughts are also a good way to connect. You need to have absolute control over what you think. You can control your thoughts by being conscious and aware of what you are thinking. Eliminate stray thoughts and think positively. When you do that, you will be sending positive signals to your unconscious self.

Always think of success, joy, prosperity and abundance. To be successful in life, it is essential to have positive and stimulating thoughts.Everything you want can be achieved by using the power of your mind. However, it is essential to take the right steps. Repeat positive affirmations on a daily basis and enjoy the feeling of success.

Mind training can help alleviate the bad stuff and replace it with good stuff. Most people can benefit from working through a mind training program that helps determine the types of directives one has stored and teaches techniques to replace the harmful directives with helpful ones.

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