How To Gain Confidence: At Work And In Life

By Cecelia C. Dawson

How to gain confidence? Let's begin with focusing on what you have. Too many people always focus and complain on what they do not have. We all have a lot going for us if only we sit back and count our blessings. Start by focusing on what you have and your journey to gain confidence will begin on the right footing. You wouldn't need a counseling degree to understand these tips to improve your confidence.Self Belief.You are what you think. If you think you know nothing then you really know nothing. But if you take time to believe in yourself, no matter how challenging this task is to you then you are on to something. Self belief is very important especially in learning how to gain confidence. Our thoughts affects our feelings and it affects our actions.
[How To Gain Confidence]

You only need one thing when you go up the stage: confidence-an unaltered confidence. It's what makes your legs stop from trembling. It keeps your feet intact on the ground. It clears your mind for you to be able to concentrate on just the content of what you have to say. The dilemma right here is this: how are you going to gain that confidence?There are two kinds of public speaking you might be caught in. One is that kind in which you are given a period of time to prepare, such as guest speaker speech during a commencement exercise. The other kind is the speech in which you are caught off guarded, such as extemporaneous speeches or ambushed interviews.

Act Confident, Feel Good.The interesting thing about our behavior and way of thinking is that the way we think, feel and do affects each other. If you cannot think confidence, then act confident. Worry less, act more. The more you act confident the more confident you will get. You actions will compel you to think confidently. It takes time, but one act builds on another and before you know it, your feeling and thinking will change. The more you act confidently, the better you feel and you will naturally gain confidence.Learn New Things.Huh? You must be thinking, you have no confidence and yet I am suggesting you to learn new things? It's been known to work for some of the people I counseled. Choose a hobby or skill you have always wanted to get into. As a newbie, you start from the ground up, so you get good basics and as you learn and become more proficient you gain more confidence. Learning new things will also unveil insights to yourself and ways on how to gain confidence elsewhere in your life. Try it.

Allow being judged - You have to accept this because everyone, including me, judges other people. All you need to do is be okay with it; some will judge you positively and others negatively. This is hard! But you have to do it, just do not be so concerned on how people think about you. Appreciate yourself just the way you are and you are going to gain self-confidence.Help other people - By helping other people or just showing kindness, you create an awareness in your mind that you have a positive impact in the outside world. It helps to treat others how you want to be treated. When you constantly treat others kindly, they will begin to treat you the same way. Therefore this will help you gain self-confidence.

The economy might be in a better shape than one year ago but the job market has remained tough. The competition is fierce even with many candidates raising their qualifications, expanding their network and working on their skill set. It has become necessary to change the logistics of the search for a new job; success can be reached by applying all of yourself to your quest.A positive attitude is hard to accomplish when the general outlook is grim yet it is crucial if you want to be effective and gain professional achievements. Affirmative and forward-looking approach will not only advance your career, it may also improve other areas of your life. This is a great time to start building your confidence and focus on your attitude.

See my tips for building confidence and moving ahead,Sort out your finances.Financial issues seem to be a burden for many people at the moment. You can, however, control your cashflow and shake this weight off your shoulders. Start from controlling your budget. You may treat it as a game or a challenge so that it does not seem to you like you are actually cutting back. Prioritize your expenses and see where is it possible to save or at least spend less. The control of expenditure covers any possible extra income you may bring in. It may be overtime hours or an extra weekend/evening job.

But of course, confidence is to be distinguished from arrogance, which does not attract people or success. When you are confident, you believe in your own abilities but you do not need to look down at or mistreat others. In fact, the greater your confidence, the more you will act in a selfless, generous and engaging manner.Here are three top tips to help you develop confidence at work.Focus On Confidence.Confidence is ultimately an emotion. When you feel the emotion of confidence, it allows you to access inner resources that make you more capable and focussed. On the other hand, when you feel a lack of confidence, you will tend to hold back, not take risks and generally under-perform.But while confidence may be an emotion, developing it is more of a skill. And skill requires practice. Any complex skill that you are now able to perform, which includes reading, writing and talking required a lot of practice. Any skills at work that you are able to perform also required practice.

Get the facts right.The media coverage of the crisis is often greatly exaggerated and distorted. It is important that you limit your news intake as they may cause nervousness and enforce general negative attitude. Do not let yourself be pushed into fear and despair. You cannot, however, live in ignorance and oblivion to the facts. Research past financial downturns - they have all been overcome and the global economy emerged even stronger and better. Take a lesson from history and think positively about current situation. This recession will pass. Use your own judgment and instincts to gain hope and confidence in a positive turnaround of the events.

So what thoughts do you have on a regular basis? Monitor your "self-talk". That is, listen to things that you say to yourself each day. If it's a lot of "I'm no good at this" and "I can't do this" then of course, you will not feel confident.If you can change your habitual thoughts, you can transform your confidence.Develop your skills.Confidence without competence is not a great look. The more competent you are at work, the more confident you will feel. Most people take a very vague and unhelpful approach to improving their skills. If the company pays for them to go on a course, they will do it. But in the 21st century, you can't afford to leave your improvement in the hands of others. Especially in hard economic times, the opportunities for learning may not be as forthcoming.

So you need to take control. It's not that hard. Just set aside some time each day to develop your skills. Make it a ritual. It might be reading trade publications. It might be reading a book related to your field. The best time to do is first thing in the morning. That way, nothing else will get in its way.And something that really helps is to find another person or a group who share your desire for improvement. You will be able to motivate each other, discuss things you have learnt and generally help each other to maintain focus. All you need to do is improve a little bit each day, and pretty soon, you will notice a huge difference.The more capable you become, the more confident you will feel. It's like a self-reinforcing cycle. As you increase your confidence, you will feel more compelled to improve yourself.Putting It All Together.When you feel confident at work, you will enjoy it more, perform better and ultimately be more successful. Take steps to focus on developing your confidence, change your thoughts and invest time in getting better at what you do.

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