A Morality Issue About Psychic Seduction

By Charles Harris

The best psychic seduction books and online advice is not aimed at week kneed and feeble examples of manhood. There are pathetic young men who are too shy and impotent to think about attracting the notice of anyone but their mother. Such men might dream of psychic seduction but will probably lack the nerve to implement it unless they make fundamental changes in their approach.

Strong men are seductive unconsciously. They have an aura that transmits itself to women around them so that they go weak at the knees, tremble and submit themselves willingly. Such submission is the consequence of seduction, as opposed to rape. They cannot resist a man who has his own, powerful presence. That comes from inner confidence.

A celebrity sportsman will concentrate for the most part on upcoming fixtures and the actions that he will need to achieve his goals. This is like an aphrodisiac. Girls will swoon in his presence as he gazes over their heads at distant goals, oblivious of their charms and fluttering eye lashes. His manner of focusing on independent goals is the ultimate aphrodisiac.

Monogamy and polygamy have played like shadows through the evolution of the human species. The best way has still not been decided with females tending to favor monogamy and males showing an enduring interest in polygamy. However, even in polygamous marriages there is often a mysterious bond between one man and one woman. This seems to go beyond the physical realm into the realm of the mind, or spirit.

There is perhaps a biological reason why reciprocated love is rare and rejection common. Bulls, rams, cocks and men often put on impressive displays only to be met by marked indifference. A celebrity who walks into a room may turn every head but he will notice only the girl who carries on eating her pudding unconcernedly. Her indifference may act as some sort of challenge which triggers in him the intense desire to win her approval.

Human beings have managed to dominate the planet by working out intellectual solutions to things that do not come naturally. Many males may seduce the women around them quite naturally and without much thought. Others have to plan and plot to do what does not come naturally. That is where information and published advice on psychic seduction comes in useful.

A human being has the ability to distinguish between right and wrong, and to consider damnation. It is a moral axiom that fellow human beings should not be treated as means to an end but as ends in themselves. According to some, failure to observe this fundamental rule will end in hell as the soul is roasted eternally in very hot flames.

The best psychic seduction advice is not necessarily immoral. If a man entices a woman covertly so that she falls hopelessly in love with him without knowing why he has used her shamelessly and will be punished. However, if he confesses what he has done, admits to being a dishonest blackguard and offers her the opportunity to escape from a dismal future with him he will have redeemed himself. He may even escape judgment and live happily ever after.

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