Anxiety Disorder Symptoms

By Louis Simpson

So you think you might have an anxiety disorder? But which one? How can you figure it out? Well, the easiest way is to go by your main symptoms. Let's see if we can sort them out.Panic Attacks.One of the key differences between anxiety disorders is the presence or absence of panic attacks. If you have panic attacks, then the most likely disorders that you may have are either post traumatic stress disorder or a phobia. Some clinicians also consider panic attacks themselves as a separate category.
[Anxiety Disorder Symptoms]

Phobias - phobic objects or situations can trigger Panic disorders. Examples include Claustrophobia or fear of enclosed spaces and social phobia.Situational Associations - Those who have had a panic attack under certain situations might associate panic attacks under that condition. Exposure to the same or similar situation could very well escalate into another panic disorder.Psychological / Emotional Causes - Major life transitions, significant personal loss, tragic experiences, and other major life changes may also lead to anxiety and panic disorders.

Emotional symptoms are mainly an intense fear that they are about to die and, often, the belief that they are losing their minds.Have you had a life threatening situation in your recent past? Panic attacks are one of the main symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD. PTSD is an anxiety disorder caused by the stress of a life threatening situation. War veterans will typically suffer PTSD when they return from combat and try to readjust to civilian life. The death of or separation from a loved one can also cause PTSD.

There is no laboratory test that can diagnose an anxiety disorder. Your doctor will begin by examining you for known physical conditions that can cause anxiety as well as questioning your regarding any medications you may be taking that could cause you to feel anxious as a side effect. Your diet and lifestyle will probably also be looked at. If no physical cause is discovered the next step would be a referral to a psychiatrist or psychologist.

Anxiety Disorder and Panic Attack Treatments.Untreated, panic attack and other anxiety disorder symptom can continue for many years. Effective treatment can only come from accurately identifying the triggers and anxiety disorder symptom being experienced. Lifestyle and behavioral changes, as well as intensive psychotherapy have proved quite effective in curing panic attacks. Medication is also recommended. Having a strong support group and a positive attitude will definitely go a long way in curing anxiety disorders as well.

You can learn how to stop a panic attack and you can learn how to cope with your fears.Anxiety disorder symptoms can present themselves in many ways depending on the kind of disorder. There are five kinds of anxiety disorders and they are generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic disorder, and social phobia. These are separate entities but may have a good number of symptoms in common.Tightness in the throat is among the symptoms that these disorders can have. Like other anxiety disorder symptoms, this may present itself and can last for days if exposed to enough stress. It is very bothersome and sometimes accompanied by tightness of the chest. It makes eating unpleasant. You swallow every second. And your breathing can also be affected.

You don't have to fret any longer if you are going through this. You can stop it. The concept is simple but the application can be difficult. Stop thinking about it. It's as straightforward but paradoxically as challenging as that. If you can't stop thinking about it, you'll only make it worse. Try to do something else, like play video games or go outside and play ball. Distract yourself. This will get your mind off it. Not only will this work for tightness of the throat, it will also help other anxiety disorder symptoms.

Physical Concerns.In addition, anxiety can cause other health problems to become worrisome or increase in occurrence. In fact, the health problems may be at the root of their worrisome tendency - it's a vicious cycle that has no end. For example, a person who is anxious about their stomach pains may go on to develop ulcers, which are life threatening. The more they worry about dying from their stomach pain, the worse their physical condition becomes. Or the person may become so depressed from not wanting to leave the house may be so worried that they develop social phobias and then even suicidal tendencies.

Anxiety left untreated over time can cause high blood pressure, which can lead to premature heart failure. Anxiety can cause hormonal imbalances in both men and women, which is detrimental to health and well-being. This hormonal imbalance can contribute to thyroid function issues, diabetes, immune deficiencies, and other illnesses that can cause serious consequences. More often than not, people become anxious due to a seemingly small issue, but because they worry so much and can't control the anxiety, the build-up of endorphins causes their body to work overtime. This causes strain on the body as a whole.

Left untreated, anxiety is also a leading cause of obesity. People often eat out of emotional needs and stress. Being tense as a result of having anxiety is one reason that people may overeat and don't get enough exercise. Then the heavier that a person gets, the harder it is to leave the house to exercise, and the worse the anxiety symptoms become. The irony is that exercise has been shown to improve the symptoms of anxiety, and so it's actually beneficial for a person who has anxiety to exercise on a regular basis. Yet, without proper care from a health care professional, many fail to realize they need this regular exercise in order to combat their anxiety.There are ways that the effects of anxiety can be reduced and in many cases eliminated. Living a healthy lifestyle that includes regular medical care, whole foods that are high in vitamins and nutrients, supplementing with natural products, and a good balance of exercise and rest is the best treatment for anyone experiencing anxiety.

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