Best Law Of Attraction Books Guide

By Andrew I. Moore

It seems that the "Law of Attraction" had concepts that have been around for centuries with several authors exploring the concepts and writing about them. Currently, many books on the "law of Attraction" have been written. Discussed below are the more prominent and featured books published.Hicks' Law of Attraction.Ester and Jerry Hicks wrote a book simply named "Law of Attraction". The two were inspired by what they call is a spirit who tells them that they need to instruct people to getting by they want just by believing. The book Law of Attraction is based on the practicalities and the principles of the Law of Attraction. If you read the book, you should have a greater understanding of how things turn out to be. It is then you will understand that the role you play is making the events around you too.
[law of success]

If you are looking for a short, clear explanation of the law of attraction, look no further than "The Law of Attraction" by Michael Losier. This slim volume takes you by the hand and shows you precisely how to utilize the law of attraction. Plus, the worksheets and extra goodies are available on his website.

For a fascinating look at the law of attraction from a somewhat odd source, check out any of the books by Esther and Jerry Hicks. Specifically, "Ask and it is Given" Esther channels a non-physical entity named Abraham who has a very engaging way of describing the law of attraction and its use.

Did you watch the hit movie called The Secret? If yes, then you might have heard about the best selling self-help book that was written and released later by Rhonda Byrne based on the movie of the same name. Just like film, the tenet of Rhonda's book is that the law of attraction governs the universe. It is said that this natural law works by attracting people, events, situations and experiences which matches the frequency of an individual's feelings and thoughts. With positive thinking and the principles of the laws of attraction, a person could experience life changes which can result in increased wealth, happiness and good health.

Since The Secret movie and book became extremely popular, increasingly more people now know about the laws of attraction. After reading the book, like millions of people worldwide, I believed that everyone had the power to make life changes to suit their personal preferences. However, I discovered later that The Secret was missing vital information about the laws of attraction. Read on to find out more.

Michael Losier is a coach, speaker, and writer about law of attraction. Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't, is a clear and concise guide on how exactly what the title states, how to bring more of what you want into your life. One of the benefits of this book is the variety of practical exercises available. The book has a a number of easy to understand worksheets that motivate you into action and help you focus. If you like clarity and ease when learning and applying new concepts, you'll enjoy this book.

For instance, positive thoughts and feelings will attract positive circumstances and events. The law also claims that if an individual change their thoughts and feelings they could attract desirable outcomes which includes happiness, better health and more wealth. Basically, the law attraction means that thoughts are like magnets so whatever they dwell on will attract similar thoughts back into our life.

Unfortunately, this book is not delivering the complete process that is needed to use the laws of attraction. The information that is missing from The Secret is preventing many readers from getting the desired results after following the principles of the law.Obviously, the basic flaw is that the Secret compares the Law of Attraction to the Law of Gravitation, which is not the case. Anyone can demonstrate Newton's law, because if you drop an object the acceleration is going to be just as the law predicts. This always works as predicted, which is why it is called a law.

A newer book is titled "Law of Attraction: The Science of Attracting More of What You Want and Less of What You Don't Want", by Michael J Losier. This book goes into more detail about negative and positive vibrations. It focuses on the use of Deliberate Attraction to help alter your vibrations to achieve your goals, using a simple step-by-step format. "Secrets of Attraction: The Universal Laws of Love, Sex, and Romance", by Sandra Anne Taylor focuses on the way the Law of Attraction works to help with your love life. Taylor begins by stressing that love is really a form of energy, not just a feeling. This is one noted use of the Law of Attraction. Taylor also describes a "personal energy field" that can change the way people perceive you. She explains how this has an influence on the way the people around you react to you. The theory is that if you can change your energy, your love life will change as well.There are many books available about the Law of Attraction with more coming out all the time. Visit your local or online bookstore or library to find more. Or visit blogs that talk about the Law of Attraction and Abundance. You will find that these are books that could truly alter your life for the better.

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