Break Porn Addiction Before It Breaks You

By John W. Barker

There is a growing concern today on how to break porn addiction and here's why. As the internet is constantly getting bigger, so is the exposure to pornography and its content. In fact, there are well over 500 millions sites related to pornography and it's big business. However, in this segment, we will take an in-depth look on porn addiction and how you can break this habit once and for all.[
[Break Porn Addiction]

Admit you have a problem. Breaking porn addiction starts with the admission that you are addicted to pornography. Some people would claim that they are just like regular people watching pornography. But if you see that this activity is getting in the way of performing daily tasks or maintaining a good relationship with your partner, you have to admit that there is a problem. Once you do, that would be the start of solving it. Analyze your addiction. Determine what kind of gratification you derive from indulging in pornography. Do you need it to escape the pains of your life? Do you need to boost your self-esteem? Do you want to engage in porn-viewing because you have nothing else better to do? Getting down to the root cause will help you break the habit more effectively.

Most people who do not know how to break porn addiction usually go through the same phases. They first give themselves a goal to stop pornography immediately and rely on evading exposure to porn and fighting their temptations. As time passes, they start to become restless and irritated by they desires and it comes to the point where they can no longer support it. Finally they simply give in and regret, saying to themselves that they'll try harder next time.

This routine can go on for years at a time and if you don't know how to break porn addiction, you will likely never be able to. As such, just like other forms of addiction, you need to find the proper help. Now this can come in many ways. Some join a social club while others go to religious centers to break their habit.However, these are not the most preferred methods because most people who suffer from porn addiction would rather stay anonymous simply because it is something even more shameful than smoking or drinking. That is also one of the reasons why it is hard to break because most people are just too ashamed and would rather not show it.

Action is important; if you procrastinate over doing something then you will never get it done. Most people suffering from addictive behavior lack the drive to take action. A smoker says he will quit on his birthday or new year, a gambler will quit after their next big win and so one but usually they continue to delay. Having the willpower to take action is something that no one can really help you with it has to come from a determination within yourself fueled by a vision of how much better your life will be when you cure yourself.Such immediate actions for porn addiction include unsubscribing to porn sites, deleting all porn from your computer and blocking porn sites out with 3rd party software. These are good steps more for motivation than for effectiveness but reducing temptation is never a bad thing.The problem comes when one takes action without a true understanding of their addiction. Action is a top down approach tackling the symptoms and very obvious aspects of the addiction but it does not remove the root cause of your addiction so the weed may once again grow in a moment of weakness undoing all the good you have done.

Understanding helps you take a bottom up approach to overcoming porn addiction. This means you must first understand what your addiction is, how it is damaging your life and those around you and of course understanding you do actually have a serious problem.Following this you must delve deeper into your psychological problems and investigate and understand the root causes of your addiction be it low self esteem, a warped view of women and sex or problems within your marriage perhaps? There are so many reasons and everyone is different so it must be you who comes to the final realization.

Every person suffering from an addiction to pornography has deep-seeded reasons for turning to porn to handle their life situations rather than finding constructive ways of coping. These can be very individual causes. Many programs designed for treating addiction include some way to get at these often "hidden" reasons. Some addictions have a long history that has often been suppressed. Abuse, neglect and other root causes are sometimes tossed into the back of the memory, rarely to be retrieved.

It is important that the program you choose provides guided instruction to help you get at the root of any unwanted memories that may have been swept under the rug. A reframing of these pains will help you gain confidence to face life's inevitable trials.

Now one of the main reasons why breaking this type of habit is so hard is because our second most powerful drive as human beings is what fuels it; our drive for reproduction. It is natural for anyone to have these feelings, especially and the ages between 18 to 25 which is at its peak.What separates pornography from all the other addiction is that you are not using any external drugs. In fact, when a person is exposed to any form of sexual activities, the brain releases natural drugs such as dopamine, nor-epinephrine and serotonin. These give the individual a very strong drive for sex and as much as it can have some very positive effects, it can also give some negative ones as well.This is the key element on why it is so hard to break porn addiction. Because these powerful neurochemicals are present at the time of sexual activities, it starts to become an addiction. It can strengthen the bond between two person but can do the same with porn, making it even harder to break.Also, since most people who start using pornography use mild content, it starts to grow unto them as it becomes less satisfying and they eventually resort to more hardcore and violent sexual content. This can lead to a strong attachment to this type of material making it even harder to break porn addiction.

Another essential component in breaking a porn addiction is learning how to listen to yourself. Find a quiet place. Take a notebook, a pen and some sincere questions. Looking inward before you take a step outward is a powerful skill to master. Because you are often led to walk by the voices in your head, it's pretty important to get them straight so you can help direct your destination.Ask yourself questions like, "Why do I view porn? What is it I am seeking? What does God know that could help me out?" As you ponder these and other questions that come to you, you may just be in store for some profound personal insight that no program can provide... unless of course it has you do this activity as well :)

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