Discovering The Science Of Getting Rich

By Christopher M. Seymour

Getting rich is also a science that has its own laws. Anyone who understands them and abides by them can become rich and take control of his life. All of us have heard of the Law of Attraction but how many of us actually practice it in daily lives? Wallace D. Wattles had written a book a century ago, which turned out to be a timeless classic. In his book, he had opined that getting rich is a predictable income if one understands and inculcates the principles that he has summarized in his book. This book has inspired many teachers and philosophers who also believe in doing things in a "certain way" to get money. Any person who knowingly or unknowingly does things in the said manner ends up getting rich. Bob Proctor, Rhonda Byrne, Michael Beckwith, and Jack Canfield came together to create a new type of training seminar called "The SGR seminar" modeled on Wattles' wealth creation philosophies.
[The 11 forgotten laws]

It is but natural that the same causes would logically generate the same effects. The same is also true among men and women who would act in certain ways. Learning to act in certain ways would absolutely make each man and woman to get rich.The science of getting rich would tell us that environment has nothing to do with getting rich. Because if it that would be the case, then we would not be seeing poor and rich families living in the same village or area nowadays. The truth is that we see rich and poor families living side by side in the same environment and most interestingly, with the same vocation. Let us say, two men are living in the same locality and that both are engaged in the same business.However, only of them gets rich while the other one remains poor. Despite the similarities in their environment and their nature of job, they still end up differently in terms of their economic condition. This only shows that getting rich is not a matter of environment. We cannot deny the fact that some environments are more favorable than others. But again, if we are to analyze the given scenario, then we would come up with a conclusion that to get rich is the result of doing things in certain ways.

Furthermore, the science of getting rich does not entail that the possession of skills, talents, and abilities are assurances that you can become rich and successful. If we are to observe our environment, we would be able to see that many individuals who possess greater talents and abilities remain to be poor. While those who are only average in all respects get rich.This is so because those who happen to have average talents and abilities are doing things in certain ways. In addition to, being thrifty does not guarantee that you will become rich. Many thrifty people are poor while those who are free spenders often get rich.

To sum it all, getting rich is the result of doing things in certain ways. These certain ways of doing things can also be included in the laws of success - laws which do not only enable man to get rich but they also make man successful in different aspects of life.If anyone in your place can get rich, so can you. Getting rich is not a matter of choosing the best profession or business. People can get rich in every profession or business while others who are in line with same profession and business remain to be poor. Again, that is because, getting rich is dependent upon our manner of doing things. We should do things in certain ways to get rich and successful.

I speak from personal experience here ~ after 14 years in the corporate world I followed my dreams and started my own personal development business. For me being in service, helping others and making a positive difference around the world gives me the true riches in life. The fact that I am creating financial freedom from doing this is just a wonderful bonus:). I think it is about time that we were totally honest with ourselves regards learning all the stuff that is available to make us rich, make us happy, make us more aware how to use the Law of Attraction etc. It seems we follow the really successful gurus who have made these teachings work for them and have had meteoric success from day one. Now although this is good sales publicity, it is not what happens for 99% of the people who try to learn.We can also get sucked into following someone who has read a book and has the flair to create adverts and sales product to entice us into there fantastic new fail proof method.

What is the missing ingredient in both these examples? In the first instance if the person has had the fortune, once they lock in to the teachings, to have never had a backward step, or fallen off the horse, how can they help you if you fall off. In the second example, if the person is teaching you purely from what they have read, where will there knowledge and experience come from to help you get back on the horse, WHEN you fall off? It is so important to realise that knowledge comes from experience and wisdom comes from observing and applying that knowledge over a period of time.Why do so many people fail at incorporating these teachings?, one of the main reasons is that the people teaching them cannot identify with the person that has fallen off the horse.

Since the discovery of the dual nature of light in 1803, physicists searched for an explanation. From 1900 onward, scientists predicted that the probability of real, physical outcomes is based upon probabilities at the sub-atomic or quantum level. Moreover, it was found the act of observation itself not only may change the outcome, but is, in fact, required for any one of infinite possibilities to come true - some are just more likely than others.When the "many worlds" theory was introduced in the late 1950s, it was predicted that each and every decision at the sub-atomic level comes true, creating an entire universe where history unfolds differently. Just a few years later, the notion of all matter being connected on some fundamental level was laid out. This "entanglement" of particle pairs gives rise to "spooky action at a distance, as theorized by Einstein a half century earlier.

If you focus on sin, you only get more sin. Ministers need to teach what Jesus was trying to tell us: that the truth would set us free. Jesus said his "yoke was easy, and his burden was light." By applying this truth to our lives, it allows us to get out from underneath all of the lies and misinformation that is often dispensed.Don't forgive, take revenge, or impose your will on others to get what you want. These are all lies we've suffered from, and they've only created more misery and pain for everyone.Do your work every day and do it in a successful manner.Again, it's about focus. If you're not focused on taking those steps that will help you become a success, and you're not doing those things that will help you become a success, you won't succeed.If you are in business for yourself, ask yourself every day: "Is the task I am about to do going to contribute to the overall success of my business?" If the answer is no, then you're wasting your time.

In the late 1990s, researchers at Princeton University came up with an experiment designed to see if there was a way to track changes in how random the output from a random number generator was and what, if anything could affect the outcome. Each spike in the data was then examined with respect to news events worldwide and a tremendous correlation was found.It would seem the more people are affected by the event, the greater the effect. For instance, there is a spike every New Years Eve that seems to travel around the world. Events such as violent attacks, natural disasters and some sporting events that really have people concentrating on an outcome are the most likely "spontaneous" events to register.

Experiments have also been conducted with the eggs to determine if a large number of minds with the same purpose in mind can have a collective effect. Correlation was found between experimental events where a very large number of people concentrate on a given goal at the same time. Experiments by late night talk-show host Art Bell produced chaotic though tangible results that were also measured on the Princeton Eggs.What is even more exciting is that the effect seems to occur outside the constant of space and time, as well. For instance, the effect of something happening in India is just as likely to appear on an egg in the subcontinent as the Canada. Also, when events were about to unfold that no one or only a few people were aware of, there has been several minutes of lead-time demonstrated from when the effect is first noted in the Eggs and the corresponding event occurs.

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