Subliminal Messaging In A Modern World

By Shannon C. Raskin

Since Ancient Greece, researchers theorised about the existence of subliminal perception. After being the willing hijack victim of Science Fiction, subliminal perception remains very misunderstood. The internet is awash with strange misinformation from seemingly authoritative sources.During the late 1980s, a lot of clinical research was produced that showed subliminal messaging to be a potential treatment of anxiety related conditions and an effective self-help tool for enhancing natural aptitude.Unlike Western chemical medicines, researchers could not demonstrate how subliminal messages work. It was only when the subliminal messages were observed in action using MRI technology that a full and credible argument could be made (Kouider, Dehaene, Jobert & Le Bihan, 2007).
learn more about [Subliminal Messages]

Subliminal software programs can be beneficial in improving grades according to Dr. Kenneth Parker of the Journal on Counseling Psychology. Parker performed a study on college students in which he placed them in two groups, A and B. One group received these messages before they attended classes while the other group didn't receive the any messages. Parker concluded that the group of college students who received the subliminal messages improved their grades by one grade average as opposed to the other group.

These are disguised to the listener's conscious mind, through either video and/or audio manipulation. The reason for this is to bypass the conscious mind. The conscious mind, to be useful to man, is very critical and inflexible. It enjoys being right and thinking through things rationally and logically.If it were told "Hey you're healthy now," it will draw on evidence to support or refute the assertion. It may well reply, "You can't just say that. I always eat too much Pizza. Hey, you don't even know me! The unconscious mind in contrast is capable of a far broader perception - it sees and hears far more information. It need not be selective of the information it receives as it can process a lot more of it per second. By exploiting loopholes in conscious perception, affirmations are not decoded consciously but freely enter the ever welcoming unconscious mind unhindered. Through repetition, the unconscious mind begins to accept the affirmations and explore new decision sets and new ways of thinking. The unconscious mind draws upon its lateral thinking, flexibility and creativity to interpret the information it is presented with.

Subliminal audio's can also assist in losing weight effectively and work as a supplement to healthy eating and exercise. In a recent study conducted at a weight loss clinic in Metairie Louisiana, a doctor at this clinic gave his weight loss patients subliminal messages and some weeks after this happened, 50% of the patients who received messages improved in their weight loss.

In order to achieve this, NLP is used to crystallise a complete and meaningful idea by addressing a cluster of related concepts. In our weight loss example, these may be healthy living, natural food, longevity, benefits of feeling healthier and the route to achieving the associated positive emotions.In essence the messages convince us at unconscious to consider "Hey, I am a healthy person, and capable of making healthy decisions." This idea is held 'front of mind' long enough for the individual begins to make healthier decisions more often. The mind has an opportunity to observe these new tendencies, feel good about the choices made, experience the benefits and consciously choose to alter self-perception. There is no stronger psychological principle than Cogito ergo sum - I think therefore I am.

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