The 11 Forgotten Laws By Bob Proctor - Overview, Pros And Cons

By Allen S. Fox

After having seen The Secret and still having not much success with it I decided to find Bob Proctor and Jack Canfield on the internet and have a look at what they had to offer. I found a course of Bob Proctors called Six minutes to success where he talked you through a series of principles and tactics each day which you could practice for 6 minutes. He got me to write down goals and it was very motivational having his help. I even promoted the course as an affiliate. Soon though as with most things I fell back in to the 'I can't really afford this' habit and cancelled the subscription.
[The 11 Forgotten Laws]

There is one course however known as the 11 Forgotten Laws which has been on the market for a number of years.The 11 Forgotten laws goes above and beyond the basic principles associated with the law of attraction. It contains ten additional laws which experts claim will deliver much better and faster results when applied alongside the law of attraction.

The individual laws contained within the course are the law of attraction, the law of thinking, the law of supply, the law of receiving, the law of increase, the law of compensation, the law of non resistance, the law of forgiveness,the law of sacrifice, the law of obedience and the law of success.Each individual law listed above has been designed to work in harmony of one-another as opposed to independently. When one combines these laws the flow of energy is increased meaning you can manifest your desires more efficiently and quickly.

Bob Proctor has also thrown in many bonuses including audio and video seminars, eBooks and guided meditations as part of the program.The Pros.The program may be listened to anywhere and anytime, as it may be downloaded and burned onto a portable CD or listened to straight from the computer. This means you can take this program anywhere and hear it on the go if you wish. Or you can also learn the lessons in the comfort of your home if that's your preference.

People from all corners of the globe have travelled far and wide to see Bob speak at seminars and live events to learn from him. So the fact that Bob has poured in years of research and knowledge into one easy to manage course is hugely beneficial.Secondly the course has been made available in digital format. This means there are no extortionate fees to have a physical product made and delivered to your door. All the training within the course is hosted online meaning you can either stream the content live from the members area or even download the modules individually to your computer.Being able to download the course as well is another appealing factor as you can consume the training from your computer when you aren't connected to the internet.This also means you can take the audio recordings and load them into your portable music players such as ipod's and mp3's and listen to the training whilst away from your computer.

There is only really one drawback I can pinpoint with the 11 Forgotten Laws which is the sheer amount of content that needs to be consumed!There are over 90 separate audio training modules to get through alone and also worksheets and documents that need to be completed to finish the course as intended! The problem for many is they want to invest in a course and see instant results! However the course isn't intended to do that and no course can deliver on that promise!In essence the 11 Forgotten Laws is for serious candidates who are willing to commit both time and energy to manifesting their desires.There really is a library of information which needs to be tackled.

When we have learnt how to apply these 11 Forgotten Laws, we will be ahead of the crowd in every aspect of our life - finances, career, relationships. We will know how to handle challenges and achieve our dreams. We can break through our mental limitations that have been hindering us in the past. We tap into our hidden potentials that are always there, waiting to surface.However, the 11 Forgotten Laws by Bob Proctor program is not a magic pill. Its teachings will only work for those who are willing to put in their time, effort and commitment. The program provides the tools but you still have to take the required actions and make the changes before anything happens.

This product is for the person who believes in the Law of Attraction but who has had difficulty in mastering it and achieving success with it. It is for the person who is stuck in their life and can't seem to move forward and is unsatisfied with their life. The person who is looking for happiness, health, and abundance but just can't seem to master all 3 at the same time or sustain all 3. This product will shift you to a higher resonating place where results will happen, dreams will be realized and true results and success will come your way.This product is not for the skeptical closed-minded individual who does not believe in the Law of Attraction. It is not for the individual who believes they can just sit back and manifest anything because they believe they can. This product is designed to hold you accountable and apply all the 11 Laws to your daily life. You must take action in order to see results. There is no magic button and you will not see instant results overnight, having said that... Once I applied the Law of Forgiveness I started to receive money in my bank account... I am by no means rich because of this but I was able to manifest money from nowhere! The 11 Forgotten Laws will give you the tools you need, it is up to you to apply them.

Eventually, I decided to invest in this new course by Bob Proctor called The 11 Forgotten Laws, and I am glad that my understanding of the law of attraction has changed ever since.Why Are The 11 Forgotten Laws so Important? These 11 laws work together with the law of attraction to achieve its effects. They do not work individually as they are all the principles in which the entire universe is formed. This is the main reason why some people are unable to use this law properly while others are able to easily.

Those who are able to do so already have a primary knowledge of these 11 forgotten laws, whereas the others do not understand them. Only by understanding the 11 laws (law of increase, non resistance, sacrifice, forgiveness, success, obedience, supply, thinking, receiving, attraction and compensation) can you fully utilize and experience the effects of the Law of Attraction.The 11 Forgotten Laws Course Review.This is the course that has really helped me succeed with the concepts in The Secret. Everyone who wants to use the Law of Attraction needs to see this or I am convinced that it will not be able to work for them.

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