Using Daily Affirmations

By Cecelia C. Bridgeman

Did you know that you can positively change your life by using daily affirmations? Many people know that they would like to see positive changes in their life, but do not know what to do in order to bring about those changes. Affirmations are one of the simplest and most powerful ways to bring about change.
[Daily Affirmations]

Norman Vincent Peale's famous book "The Power Of Positive Thinking" uses some of the most famous affirmations that people know. But one of his most famous affirmations is "I can do all things through Jesus Christ our savior who strengthens me...". The fact that it's quoted from Philippians 4:13 gives away more about what the essence of an affirmation is and where they come from. It shows that some of the most fundamental positive statements we use are derived from ancient texts and thoughts.

Affirmations can be used as often as you would like, I suggest that you set some time aside every day to focus on your desires and thoughts. Getting in the habit of doing this on a daily basis will promote change and you will be pleased with the results.It is easy to slip back into old patterns, so once you have seen good things occur in your life it is necessary to continue with your daily affirmations. Create the habit of thinking positively and be aware of your thoughts and desires.

What about the real estate salesman who wakes in the morning, stares himself in the mirror and affirms "I have the inner strength to make this sale today"? He affirms it again and again until it is ingrained in his subconscious and his lips murmur it while he brushes his teeth... While he drives to work... He's like an automaton, trance like as he operates the car.

Whether you know it or not we all talk to ourselves. There is not one soul on the planet who doesn't talk to himself or her-self silently. This is known as self affirmation and not only is it normal it is a very powerful process. It can work for you or against you, depending on how you use it. In this article we will examine the benefits of daily positive affirmations.

By now, most people know the basics of positive daily affirmations. These are sayings you repeat to yourself in order to program your subconscious mind into changing your view of the world. The harder part to understand is how they work with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that you attract to you what you spend your energy on. Quite simply, if you focus your energy on good and positive things, then good and positive things will be attracted to your life. The best way to focus your energy on the things you want to attract to you is by using daily positive affirmations.

The use of positive daily affirmations to help with the Law of Attraction works best when you keep in mind 3 simple tips. The first main tip to keep in mind can be summed up with the word repetition. When stating your affirmations, the best time to say them is in the morning shortly after waking up and at night before going to bed. Some people will even go so far as to post notes around their house so they are constantly reminded of them. This repetition will help you focus your energies on what you want to attract. The more you repeat your positive daily affirmations to your self, the more your energies will become focused on them.

There are some different things that you can use on a daily basis to help you use positive affirmations daily without disrupting your daily schedule. Here are some of the different things you can use. Repeat the affirmations when you have a few minutes alone each day. It doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is. All that is important is that you take at least 10 or 15 minutes each day to say the affirmations to yourself. The more you can repeat them the more easily you will start to believe it. Write down the affirmations and then put them on to different things that you use throughout the day. You can put them on your refrigerator door, your computer's desktop, your coffee cup, car's dashboard or anywhere else you can find. This will help you see them and repeat them each time you do something new.

Use pictures whenever possible because this will make it much easier to change your way of thinking to be positive. By repeating the affirmations to yourself and seeing a picture at the same time, your subconscious mind will have a much easier time of believing it is true in your physical world. Now that you know how to use daily affirmations to achieve the complete happiness you want; all that is left is to get started using them. Just remember that it will take time for them to start working, but once they do you will be amazed at how many things in your life you can change so that you have complete happiness in all areas of your life.

When used in the correct manner, positive daily affirmations are the best way to put the Law of Attraction to work for you. You are programming your subconscious mind to see and believe that all of your energies should be focused on the positive. This will in turn attract the positive back to you. Your positive daily affirmations are your key to achieving your goals in life.

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