Wallace Wattles - The Obscure Author Of The Science Of Getting Rich

By Annelise van Den Born

Wallace Wattles was born in the 1800s at a time when there was war going on in States. Wallace Wattles faced lot of hardships and also faced failures until in the latter parts of his life where he did experimentations and tireless study which he implemented in his book "The Science of Getting Rich." The book is more of a practical manual than being pragmatical or philosophical. It is a book which is useful for both men and women, who are looking forward to reach their goal and earn money.
[The Science Of Getting Rich]

What do you want? If I had to pick one question that probably stumps most people, this one would be it. Most people really don't know what they want out of life, and so they just drift through life.If you really want to get what you want out of life, then you need to know exactly what that is. To be rich and famous is simply not enough. You need to be as specific as possible about what you want.Why do you want it? If you want to be rich and famous because you want to teach the kids from high school that they were wrong about you, then that's the wrong reason.If you want to be [fill in the blank] because you genuinely want to help others, now you're on the right track. Wallace Wattles says we can only give others what we have. Giving will only bring you more of what you want.What's holding you back? Do you have any attitudes you need to get rid of, like you'll never succeed because: you're the wrong color, wrong, sex, wrong size, wrong this, wrong that, you [fill in the blank]? Get rid of them. Attitudes like that will only hold you back, and they'll only be unnecessary obstacles. Why punish yourself like that?

However, there is only one downside of this book which is, it is a "psycho babble" from various aspects and this is not appealing to some readers. If you go through "The Science of Getting Rich" book, you will find that there is no exercise that will tell you on how to become rich or what sorts of investments you should do to get rich. The book explains that to get rich you have to go about your daily business and at the same time organize your day to day affairs in such a way that money can flow in. The chapter that was particularly appealing to me was the one on gratitude. Wallace in this chapter mentions that he is a firm believer in being grateful before acquiring wealth.

In 1908 Wattles was a candidate for election to the Eighth Congressional District of Indiana. Subsequently, he ran in the 1910 election for the office of Prosecuting Attorney for the Madison County, Indiana court. He did not win either of these elections.He died in 1911, shortly after The Science of Getting Rich was published. Even though he had little education, grew up in a simple working-class family, and was poor most of his life, Wattles became a wealthy man by the time of his death.

But now, looking back at my family life, I have since come to realize that my mother, with almost no formal education, no career skills, no money, and three small children to feed, inherently understood many of the basic concepts in this book. My mother was not as eloquent as Wattles, and she didn't have much of an opportunity to put Wattles' principles into practice. But me and my brothers were inadvertently living and learning Wattles' concepts every day - through the actions of our mother. She taught us that even in the worst of times, that by sticking to our single-minded vision to grow and thrive, that we will survive; and acting everyday with purpose to achieve our goals, that our faith in each other and in our dream of creating a successful life will help us succeed; and our gratitude to God for keeping us healthy so that we could keep working and studying, we would eventually be successful. And eventually, we were.

Today, looking back at my formal education, it seems unfortunate that even after many years of public school, and many years getting three degrees at three different colleges, not once - not once - were Wattles' ideas ever discussed in school. Four years of business school and the concept of being a 'good capitalist' was never discussed. I'm sure that those two words were never mentioned in the same sentence during my entire time in college. So, when I discovered The Science of Getting Rich by Wattles, I was amazed and relieved that I had finally found someone that was willing to openly discuss and share the same ideas and concepts that I was struggling to understand as a young man. Someone that was willing to apply the ideas and concepts of being a good capitalist and a good Christian to his own life and business. I couldn't believe that this simple little book was not mandatory reading in my MBA program. Maybe his message was considered too simple and unsophisticated. Well, Wattles' message might be a simple one, but it is an important one. His message has endured for the last one-hundred years - and it will endure for the next hundred. And its a message that every American, and everyone that wants to live the American dream, needs to understand.

Wattles' message was an important one for me. And it is one that can help you change and improve your life too. But I'm here to tell you that there is no big 'secret' hidden in this book. Wattles' book does not contain any great earth-shattering, life-changing secret. Everything in this book you already know about or have already thought about at one time or another. What it does do is bring together and discuss several ideas and concepts about achieving and living a balanced and successful life. It presents it to you in a little book, in a structured and easy-to-understand format. Maybe you haven't been able to bring all of these ideas and concepts together in your own head. Maybe you didn't know how to apply these ideas and concepts to your life, business, and career. This book will help you see and understand these ideas and concepts - and shows you how they can apply to your life, business, and career.

The Science of Getting Rich is a book that will mold your thinking and infuse your mind with the thoughts that you need to think in order to gain riches. Moreover, as the book tells us, it is a positive feedback process wherein if you get riches then getting more riches becomes easier than it was the first time you acquired those riches because now you can live a fuller more complete life.You can become a success in any business. But when it comes to being in the right business, a person would do best in a business that they like. When you enjoy what you do it is a joy to do it. If you have already developed talents and abilities for a particular business, then it may be to you advantage to work that business as you look for new opportunities. Don't neglect where you are right now, there may be many un-tapped opportunities you have overlooked.

Many times we do not see opportunities that are right in front of us because our attitude is wrong. Ask formless intelligence to show you opportunities that are around you, right where you are today. You may find new and exciting ventures have been there all along!It may take someone looking in from the outside to point out new opportunities to you. A mentor or a coach or even a trusted friend can often point out things you overlook. What you want might be easily within your reach, but you look right past it.

If you want to build a successful business and career that is in sync with a balanced and happy life, you will need to read it several times - and then read it several more times again. Once you get past some of the confusing and old-style terminology, you will begin to see and understand Wattles' message. You do not need to an American, believe in God, or religion, or Christianity to understand Wattles' message - or to benefit from his message. You just need an open mind, and a desire for personal fulfillment and advancement. Please read it carefully. It will be worth your time and effort.After reading and internalizing Wattles' concepts in this book, you too should have a better idea of what it takes to begin formulating a life, business, and career - using vision, purpose, faith, and gratitude - to build wealth, success, and happiness. This book is here to help you take that first step toward the happy and successful life that you owe to yourself and to your family. It is now up to you and you alone.

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