Supplements For Relieving Anxiety

By Belinda H. Begay

There are many natural supplements for anxiety and some are way more effective than others. Aromatherapy and water therapy are all very popular alternative treatments for anxiety but which herbs for anxiety are the best? Lavender.This herb is synonymous with relaxation and when it comes to coping with anxiety, lavender is an essential herb that anybody who suffers from panic disorder should try and utilize. It is one of the most popular herbs from ancient times and was often used to mask smells and keep insects away. These days, it's used to treat insomnia and panic disorder.
[Supplements For Anxiety]

Passion Flower (Passiflora Incarnata).Passion Flower is an herbal supplement. The leaves, petals, and stems of the plant are used in making teas or tinctures. When in tea form it may be mixed with other calming herbs to increase its effectiveness. Tinctures can be added to juice or other drinks and taken as needed. Passion flower is primarily used as a calming agent to help with anxiety or insomnia. Doctors agree that is does work as well as some prescription drugs for aiding in anxiety disorders, however, there are few studies on how it actually works. It is theorized that it increases the production of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid) in the brain. GABA is an amino acid that helps calm and reduce hyper-activity which is why passion flower has become such a popular supplement for treating children.

How to use it: Linden is most commonly used to make a fragrant and tasty tea. You can drink four to five cups a day and add a little bit of honey to make it taste even better.Passion Flower.Passion flower has a long history of being used as a sedative and is very popular when it comes to treating anxiety. It has a mild sedative effect when taken in small doses so it is safe to be used during the day time since it won't impair your functionality.

B Vitamins.Supplementing the body with B-vitamins is essential for any person suffering with anxiety on a regular basis. Research shows that low levels of B-vitamins such as B-9 and B-12 are directly linked to mood changes and depression.Furthermore, B-vitamins enhance and support the neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine - all which have a direct effect on stress.Complete B-vitamin supplements can be purchased at your local health food store or obtained naturally by eating whole-grain cereals, bread, red meat, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, legumes, sweet corn, brown rice, berries and yeast.Calcium and Magnesium.Calcium and Magnesium are natural remedies for brining the body back to a calm and de-stressed state. Calcium is a natural tranquilizer, while low levels of magnesium in the body is have been linked to increased stress, tension, nervousness and intense periods of anxiety and panic.

Because calcium and magnesium promote relaxation and calmness, supplements should be taken before bed to avoid drowsiness. Likewise, calcium and magnesium can be naturally added to the body by consuming dairy products, green leafy vegetables and whole-grain cereals.For betterment of cognition/improving focus and mental stamina,Alpha GPC (choline) - A more potent supply of choline, as compared to lecithin. It is a great auxiliary substance to piracetam, which depletes acetylcholine, ergo adequate transmission will be maintained.Aniracetam - A nootropic (memory/learning enhancing) dietary supplement that is immensely useful when your thinking is obscured by anxiety. Depersonalization often causes brain fog and therefore I found it to be a helpful implement when learning/working. Furthermore it also exhibited anxiolytic properties in laboratory mice via action on dopamine. Take 2 - 3 750mg pills daily.

For some of you the idea of supplements for anxiety and stress may be a new idea. Perhaps a friend mentioned that they have had success with these all natural approaches, or maybe a co-worker or family member hinted this might be something to consider. Whatever the reason gaining a better understanding of supplements for anxiety and stress will help you know how to get the most benefit, all the while knowing what to expect.

5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan).5-HTP is an amino acid. It occurs naturally is foods such as turkey, milk, and pumpkins. It is metabolized in the body and turned into the chemical Tryptophan. This chemical is thought to increase production of Serotonin and Melatonin in the brain, both of which are highly effective mood stabilizers. 5-HTP can be found in capsule form and added as a dietary supplement. There are no known side effects and it is generally thought of as being safe.

Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid).Vitamin C occurs naturally is fresh fruits. It is often used to protect the body from illness. Research had shown that deficiencies in vitamin C may cause mental disease and anxiety. This vitamin can be found in a variety of forms such as pill and liquid. Often foods are enriched with vitamin C to promote health. There are no known risk associated with vitamin C. It is a water soluble vitamin and the risk of overdose is low.

A full spectrum approach to healing and relaxing the mind and body may produce a number of additional benefits such as supporting nervous system health, balancing out emotions from those minor unforeseen daily challenges, boosting immune system function, and help in promoting and maintaining a positive outlook. This is in sharp contrast to the headaches, withdrawal symptoms, and stomach upset often associated with prescription medications.

Magnesium.Magnesium in one of the most common minerals in the human body. It is found in pill form, and is always an ingredient in multivitamins. It is also found in several types of over the counter drugs such as laxatives and antacids. The risk of overdose is low. Magnesium works to increase mental function. Zinc.Zinc is a mineral that the human body needs in order to process other enzymes. Zinc is found naturally in foods, and also comes in pill form and in multivitamins. Zinc overdoses may be potentially dangerous as they interfere with the body's ability to absorb other vitamins and minerals. Consumers should consult a doctor before adding Zinc supplement to their diets.

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